Eastern Road Pharmacy has been a trusted part of the Shepparton community since 1979.  We are open 6 days a week from to be here when you need us the most. You can always speak with a pharmacist at Shepparton Amcal Pharmacy.

Eastern Road Pharmacy

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Eastern Road Pharmacy

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101A Eastern Road, Turramurra, NSW, 2074

Our pharmacists supporting you to be at your best possible health! 

Make and break 'Healthy Habits'

Successful dieters were far less likely to use eating as a way of coping with negative emotions, were more aware of their habits, and were more likely to notice when their eating behaviours were getting off track.

Conversely, those in the earlier stages of weight loss had stronger eating habits, making them harder to break.

Almost all participants indicated they were tempted by foods that can be a challenge for weight management if consumed to frequently or in large amounts, while over a third agreed or strongly agreed that eating tempting foods was something they did automatically.

Chocolate was revealed as the top tempting food at 72 per cent, closely followed by cheese at 61 per cent, and bread rolls at 52 per cent.

Males were more likely to be tempted by beer and processed meats, while females reported a higher temptation for savoury crackers, cakes and muffins.

Additionally, positive self-talk and affirmations, and reward and recognition were identified by survey participants as key drivers of healthier habits.

The data highlights that building healthy habits requires more than just good intentions; it requires support to make small, incremental changes that can be sustained over the longer-term.

By leveraging a science-backed and structured program like the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet, there are tools such as meal plans, food trackers, and a community network, Australians can practice healthy habits that lead to a steady progression toward better health.

CLICK HERE for more information about the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet and CLICK HERE to take the new Healthy Habits Quiz.

Eastern Road Pharmacy also has a network of allied health professionals like dieticians that you can link with for personalised advice and direction. 

CLICK HERE to have a team around you to support you to be at your best possible health.

Make and break: see more of the CSIRO 'Healthy Habits' tool to shift Aussie scales!

CSIRO, has a tool designed to help Australians break free from unhealthy eating habits and make it easier to succeed at weight managment.

The free, online Healthy Habits Quiz is based on psychology and behavioural science.

It assesses participants' habit strength, moods and tempting foods, providing tailored, science-backed guidelines to make and break habits for a healthier lifestyle.

Analysis of nearly 2,000 Australians revealed mood significantly influences eating behaviours, with three-quarters eating more when bored and over half eating more when feeling depressed.

Positive emotions had the opposite effect, with nearly half of participants eating less when feeling happy. 

Females were more prone to emotional eating than males, with 24 per cent eating to lift their mood compared to 16 per cent of males.

The analysis also revealed important differences between participants who were successfully managing their weight versus those in earlier stages of the weight loss journey.

The analysis also revealed important differences between participants who were successfully managing their weight versus those in earlier stages of the weight loss journey.

Healthy Habits

Fast Facts about Fibre!

Fibre is part of the edible plant foods that remains undigested when it reaches the bowel.

It provides bulk to the diet and has important roles to play in weight control, bowel healt and cholesterol management.

The soluble fibre in legumes, fruit and grains removes cholesterol from the blood.

The more widely known insoluble fibre in grains, vegetables and fruits keeps the bowel healthy.

Fibre often increase satiety - the feeling of fullness - and really does help prevent over-eating.

An important myth is that extra fibre will not decrease the absorption of calories.

All the bran in the world will not undo the damage done by overeating.

Excess fibre can, however, bind vitamins and minerals, preventing their normal absorption in the digestive tract.

Where to locate 

Eastern Road Pharmacy

101A Eastern Road, Turramurra, NSW, 2074

8.00am - 5.30pm

8.00am - 5.30pm

8.00am - 5.30pm

8.00am - 5.30pm

8.00am - 5.30pm

8.30am - 1.00pm







Public Holidays:

Opening Hours

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101A Eastern Road, Turramurra, NSW, 2074

Eastern Road Pharmacy Chemist Open 6 days Weekly Medicines Packs Weight Management MedsChecks
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